"The World's Most Beautiful Beaches"
is a slogan as true as the sky is blue.
Panama City Beach, Fl
Just returning from a much needed week long vacation and we wanted to share some reasons why you should visit as well!
Panama City Beach is located within the Florida panhandle on the Gulf Coast and is a favorite destination for families. We generally take our annual trip during spring break, but decided to push this one back to the first week in June due to hit or miss weather during our prior trips and I must say, this was the perfect time to go!

Pack up the tank and buckle your seat belts.... Destination: Relaxation!

13.5 hours, 820 miles, 748 pit stops and 4,356 "ARE WE THERE YET'S" later... We have arrived!

My wife and I have been venturing to PCB for years (My first trip was in 1986 and hers was 1998) back when it was known as the "Spring Break Capital Of The World", but as of the last few years, the local government has done a great job of shifting the tide towards making the town a family friendly destination.

Before 6 Kids and a Tank: Young Me (Center with the Michigan cap), My brother Curt (Keeling), Chris & Kent. Circa 1993, Out front of the Arcade at the former KOA on Thomas Drive.
Where to stay in pcb!
