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Hoover mudflats boardwalk

Galena, ohio

On a lazy afternoon while searching for something that didn't involve myself sitting in front of a computer and working, we decided to get out and take a quick ride.  Deciding to get out was the easy part as it was (and always is) much more difficult to decide WHERE to actually go.


I remembered a place from over a decade ago that involved a boardwalk that went waay out into the water, with an entrance that was somewhat concealed from direct public view.  The problem however was I couldn't remember WHERE it actually was so much that it got to the point where my ole lady would joke "Are you sure this place actually exists"??


OF COURSE I'M SURE! (I mean I went there a few times while I was in High School, so it surely couldn't be a figment of my imagination.. right?)


I believed I remembered the general vicinity of said boardwalk, "All the way up State Route 3, Turn Left at the dead end, then follow the road around the curve for a few miles till you cross a bridge after that, your own your own finding the entrance" (I'm hearing an old, wise gentleman narrate these directions in my mind, just so you'll have full context)


So we loaded up, Charlie Colada in tow, and sat off heading North!

After following the directions that by now were echoing in my head, we came to a bridge and while crossing, I looked to the right and THERE IT WAS!  Jutting out from the embankment just as I (vaguely) remembered!  


We pulled to the corner and made two consecutive rights and viola! We were there! 



I'm willing to bet that most people living in Central Ohio, have no clue this boardwalk exist (unless of course they are from Galena or the immediate area).  On the opposite hand however, mostly everyone is aware of Hoover Dam, the massive concrete and steel behemoth located just south of here which is actually the reason the body of water in which the boardwalk is located, exists.


At over 1,500 feet, and configured in an "offset L" shape (Think the first vertical, slanted corner and bottom horizontal in the Ohio State "O"), the boardwalk is long enough to walk out and truly feel you are far away from shore (The ole lady started getting nervous).  A great place to watch all sorts of birds and wildlife several times a year, in addition, I hear fish love to hang out directly under the walk out towards the end!


This place is a very well kept secret just due to its location, but the kids loved it and had fun spotting different kinds of wildlife and feeding the fish (bring your own fish food).   This is a great place for peaceful walks and watching sunsets, also, bring your chairs and relax at the very end as there is a wide open platform with an unobstructed view.

Something that is really cool about the boardwalk is that the time of year can determine your experience.  In the late Spring and Summer months when The Hoover Dam upstream keeps the water levels high, the water around the boardwalk will cover almost 3/4ths of the supports.  In the late Fall and Winter months however, the water is generally substantially lower, leaving most of the supports and their concrete footers exposed.  In addition, the reason why this area is called the "Hoover Mudflats" is revealed and you can actually walk out onto the area that is usually under several feet of water!


Use the slider in the photo above to see the difference in water level per season and take note of the island in the background!  


This is pretty cool and educational and I encourage you to experience the boardwalk in different seasons!

Hoover Mudflats Boardwalk
37 S Old 3C Rd, Galena, OH 43021

While in the area, swing right around the corner to the Mudflats Bar & Grill.  A cool space with a small town feel!  Offering great dishes, I can recommend the wings and fish as a definite winner and the drinks are a perfect way to cool off in the summer while relaxing on the patio!  Check their website as they offer live music each week and Happy Hour specials!

Mudflats Bar & Grill
31 Columbus St, Galena, OH 43021
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