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Welcome to our crazy, hectic, busy, insane, never ending, challenging but fun and loving world!  Having 7 kids (5 girls and 2 boys) limits our options when it comes to transportation.  Prior to the birth of Aria (number 6), our family vehicle was a Chrysler Town and Country Mini Van.  However after she arrived we needed something more suitable for our army and we knew a conversion van wouldn't work (after all it's no longer 1984) and an SUV lacked the flexibility we needed in terms of space and cargo room so the options at that point went from slim to nonexistent..

After a long, literally country wide search, we located the Nissan NV3500, a 12 passenger, fully flexible and comfortable road hog.  All black with a menacing grill, when this beautiful beast fills up your rear-view, the only thing you can think of is a TANK is about to roll right over you (but I promise it won't)

Our kids range in age (as of April 2021) from 20 months to 17 years, our starting lineup is...

MJ - 21
London (Scoop) 16
Milan (Munchie) 14
Albany (Chipmunk) 12
August (Vegas) 9 years

Aria (Sydney) 7 years

Sevyn (Cheese) 5

We are living proof of the motto "Work Hard, Play Like You Never Have To Work Again" (yep, We coined our own motto).

One question we are consistently asked is "How does a family of your size afford to take trips and do the things you do without making a ton of money?" Well the first response is that it's all due to God's will, the second is we always search for options that keep us from paying "retail" or "full price".

We have established this site to not only allow you to follow us on our journey through life, but to also help others find ways they can save money without compromising the fun factor that comes with getting away from the everyday hustle of life.

We invite you to "Walk With Us" and feel free to drop a comment or email us!

And don't forget, "I'm not moving this car until you buckle that seat belt!"  :)

The Tank!

The 6 Kids Crew



At 21 years, he's the oldest of the Tank.  An avid basketball player, comedian and truly a great big brother, Mj is passionate about anything he does.  in addition, he's also an excellent chef.... Of Ramen Noodles that is!

As the oldest, he bears a lot of responsibility with setting examples for his siblings which he handles with ease and pride.  Also with age comes the real world, so he spends most of his time away at college where he's  pursuing his degree in Social Work.


london aka scoop

A 16 year old jack of all trades, Basketball, Volleyball, Super slime mixologist, little fashionista and Facetime expert (LOL). Scoop is a talented and loving young lady that equally loves and is annoyed by her younger siblings, you'll oftentimes hear "Can August sleep in my room" & "GET OUT OF MY ROOM" within the same hour!

Fun Fact:  Scoop is the only kid out of the crew that will and has ridden any roller coaster you put in front of her!


milan aka munchie

The "Carebear" of the Crew, Munchie has a soft spot for everyone in the world.  During a Soccer game she had the ball and ran full speed kicking towards the goal when she noticed a defender had fallen, she stopped mid kick and ran back to help the girl off the ground at the expense of scoring a goal.  That's just who she is! 

She is a faithful reader of the "Harry Potter" book series and wants to be a Marine Biologist when she grows up as she loves Sharks & studies them day & night.  She also enjoys Cheese Pizza and playing Roblox, Minecraft and Welcome to Bloxburg with Chipmunk.


albany aka chipmunk

Even though she's not by age, Chips is the baby of the Tank, she's sweet, sensitive and still making her space in the family.  Always helpful and there when you need a hug shes awesome.  Like her sisters (and father), a huge Cedar Point fan, do not challenge her to get on a ride because there has not been a ride yet she's afraid of!  Well except Top Thrill Dragster LOL.

The loquacious one, she has a story for every day of the week and will either keep you amused or debate you into agreeing with her.

A dedicated Soccer player, she can kick a soccer ball accurately the full length of the field!


The "littles"

August aka vegas

Aria aka sydney &

Sevyn Aka

(Fat) Cheese


Vegas, Sydney & Cheese are the youngest members of the Tank and easily the most active! To know one is to know all 3 as Vegas unfortunately influences everything the other 2 do, good and bad, as I suppose a big brother should!

Fans of Roblox, Peppa Pig & Big City Greens, they are Frick & Frack, Ying & Yang, Wild & Crazy!  Vegas & Syd are devoted Cedar Point fans, while all 3 share a love of waterparks and those huge buckets that drench everyone below. No matter how wild they may get, all is forgiven once they flash that trademark smile.


charlie colada

We have no idea what his age is but we believe it's at least 38 due to the Pina Colada he's always drinking and the fact he's always singing the song by Rupert Holmes of the same name.  Pretty chill dude that never asks for anything which is good considering he lives with us rent free and gets to go on every adventure with us!

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